Installation and maintenance advice

Installation and maintenance advice for timber products for the home and outdoor spaces: Cladding, Patio, Panelling, Fencing.

Many natural factors have an impact on the evolution of outdoor timber products and influence their appearance and durability over time:
/ Facade exposure
/ Weather conditions
/ The proximity of certain types of vegetation
/ The presence or not of a finish
/ The location in a dense urban zone or a coastal zone

Good practices

Similarly to all materials used outdoors, timber cladding, patios and fencing are subject to natural changes.
In order to best protect these products and their appearance, with or without a finish, we recommend regular cleaning using a soft brush,
neutral pH soap and clean water. We recommend regularly checking their appearance to detect the signs of natural
alteration as soon as possible and to quickly provide the necessary care.

Conseils de pose

Conseil de pose bardage bois pose à claire-voie
Conseil de pose bardage bois pose rainure-languette
Conseil de pose clôture bois modèle pleine
Conseil de pose clôture bois modèle ajourée
Conseil de pose clôture bois modèle quinconce
Conseil de pose clôture bois modèle persienne
Conseil de pose clôture bois lame Aztek poteau aluminium
Conseil de pose lambris bois pose rainure-languette
Conseil de pose clôture bois modèle vénitienne
Conseil de pose terrasse bois

Conseils d'entretien

Conseil d'entretien bois traité
Conseil d'entretien bois saturé
Conseil d'entretien bois peint
Conseil d'entretien bois naturel